
Silencing the Roar: A Lesson in Wise Disagreement

In the heart of the jungle, a donkey and a tiger found themselves embroiled in a heated dispute. The topic of contention: the color of the grass. The donkey insisted it was blue, while the tiger adamantly argued it was green.

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Frustrated and unable to resolve their disagreement, they decided to take their case to the King of the Jungle, the mighty lion, hoping for a just verdict.

As they approached the lion’s throne in a forest clearing, the donkey wasted no time and loudly proclaimed, “Your Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?” The lion, perhaps to the donkey’s surprise, affirmed, “Indeed, the grass is blue.”

With a triumphant grin, the donkey then pleaded, “The tiger contradicts me and annoys me. Please, Your Majesty, punish him.” The lion, without hesitation, declared, “The tiger shall face a penalty of 5 years of silence.”

The donkey happily hopped away, repeating, “The Grass Is Blue,” as if victorious in a great battle of wits. Meanwhile, the tiger, accepting the punishment in silence, dared to approach the lion with a question.

“Your Majesty,” the tiger inquired, “why have you punished me? The grass is undeniably green.”

The lion calmly confirmed, “You are right; the grass is green.”

Perplexed, the tiger then asked, “Then why am I being punished?”

The lion responded with wisdom, “The punishment has nothing to do with the color of the grass. It’s because a creature as brave and intelligent as you should not squander time arguing with a donkey. Furthermore, bothering me with such trivial matters is unbecoming.”

The moral of the story is clear: engaging in arguments with fools or fanatics who care more about victory than truth is a futile endeavor. It is a colossal waste of time to present evidence and reasoning to those who are incapable of understanding or are blinded by ego, hatred, and resentment.

When ignorance raises its voice, it is best for intelligence to remain silent. Your serenity and peace of mind are far more valuable than proving a point to those who refuse to see reason.


  1. What is storytelling?
    • Storytelling is the art of conveying a narrative, usually involving characters, events, and emotions, in a compelling and engaging manner.
  2. Why is storytelling important?
    • Storytelling is essential because it helps us communicate, connect, and understand the world around us. It can evoke emotions, convey information, and make ideas memorable.
  3. What are the key elements of a good story?
    • A good story typically includes elements like characters, plot, setting, conflict, resolution, and a clear narrative structure.
  4. What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction storytelling?
    • Fictional storytelling involves made-up or imaginative narratives, while non-fiction storytelling is based on real events and facts.
  5. How can I become a better storyteller?
    • Improving your storytelling skills involves practice, understanding your audience, creating relatable characters, and refining your narrative techniques.
  6. What are the different types of stories?
    • There are various types of stories, including fairy tales, myths, legends, fables, short stories, novels, and many more.
  7. What is the role of conflict in a story?
    • Conflict is a key element in storytelling, as it provides the central problem or challenge that characters must overcome, creating tension and interest.
  8. How can I make my stories more engaging?
    • To make your stories more engaging, use descriptive language, build suspense, create relatable characters, and ensure a well-structured plot.
  9. What is the hero’s journey in storytelling?
    • The hero’s journey is a common narrative structure that follows a hero as they face challenges, undergo transformation, and ultimately achieve a goal or resolution.
  10. Can storytelling be used for business or marketing purposes?
    • Yes, storytelling is widely used in marketing and business to create emotional connections with customers, convey brand values, and make content more memorable.
  11. What are some famous storytellers or authors?
    • There are numerous famous storytellers and authors, including William Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Charles Dickens, and many more, known for their contributions to literature.
  12. How do I choose the right medium for my story, such as a book, movie, or podcast?
    • The choice of medium depends on the nature of your story and your target audience. Consider what format will best serve your narrative and reach your intended readers or viewers.

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